When a user dials a USSD shortcode. E.g. (*392#). A menu is presented to him/her. There may or may not be an input field. If there is an input field, the user is expected to enter some text to take him to another state. All the views a user sees as he navigates through the USSD application are referred to as States.
Creating States
Laravel uses PSR-4 autoloading to load all the resources in the
project/app directory. That means you don't have to manually require,
include it or discover it with composer dump-autoload
You are expected to put your application logic in this directory.
You can create states in the project/app directory or under any sub
directory. How deep they are nested does not matter.
Meet the Artisan State Command
We provide a ussd artisan command which allows you to quickly create new states.
php artisan ussd:state Welcome
This will generate a class called Welcome.php in app/Http/Ussd/States directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created for you.
Why in app/Http/Ussd/States
That is the default root directory specified in config/ussd.php. If the configuration file does not exist, you can publish it, see.
To change the default directory to app/Ussd change the
state_namespace variable in the configuration to App\\Ussd
before running the command.
Nested States
Your default directory is app/Http/Ussd/States but you want some states nested. No need to be changing configurations. For example, if you want to create Amount.php state class in app/Http/Ussd/States/Airtime. Just specify the relative path like this:
php artisan ussd:state airtime/amount
php artisan ussd:state airtime\amount
Why are the directory and class starting with caps.
Take a good look are the file structure in app. That the format they all use. It simple convention and we ensure you stick with that, so if enter airtime/amount for Airtime/Amount, w e just fix that for you. Isn't it cool?
Understanding States
This is a sample State class generated:
namespace App\Http\Ussd\States;
use Sparors\Ussd\State;
class Welcome extends State
protected function beforeRendering(): void
protected function afterRendering(string $argument): void
State Properties
Every state class has the following properties:
The rest of the property will be explained in a later section apart from
Action help to determine weather the state should display an input for response or no input (usually the last state).
Setting action
namespace App\Http\Ussd\States;
use Sparors\Ussd\State;
class Welcome extends State
protected $action = self::PROMPT; // for prompt (without input)
// for input use self::INPUT
// but since input is default, you can decide not to specify.
State Methods
State has the following abstract methods
The beforeRendering Method
This method is where ussd menus are constructed. You can perform other
functions like saving data and retrieving it for later use.
This is where you use menu
and record
property. See
The afterRendering Method
This primary purpose of this method is to given you the privilege to
specify which state the user should see next after examining his input.
The input is the param string argument passed to the method.
This is where you use decision
and record
property. See