
Laravel Ussd Package requires PHP 7.2+ and Laravel 5.5.0+

This package uses Laravel Cache to store data. This means, the type of cache to use depends on your application's need, personal preferences, or server restrictions. Extending the cache to use other drivers will still work with the package.

Cache Requirements

Your requirements may differ based on the set of drivers you decide to use.


To use the database cache, ensure that the extension required for the chosen database is installed and enabled. Laravel supports 4 databases: MySql, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and SQL Server.

Create the following schema in your database.

Schema::create('cache', function ($table) {

You can easily do that with php artisan cache:table.


This requires Memcached driver from Memcached PECL package to be installed.


To use Redis cache, you will need to install either PhpRedis PHP extension via PECL or install the predis/predis package(~1.0) via composer.

Read More

If your are not familiar with the laravel cache stores, you can read more at the official site.