When user's enter input, there are two things to do:
- Take them to the next state
- Run an action to determine the next state
Actions are application logics you run at to determine what the next state should be.
For instance, in a payment USSD application; You will want to hit an api to do the payment and save the result in a database. Then take the user to the next state depending on the outcome of your logic.
Creating actions ?
You can create states manually or with an artisan provided by the package.
Meet the Artisan Action Command
We provide a ussd artisan command which allows you to quickly create new actions.
php artisan ussd:action MakePayment
This will generate a class called MakePayment.php in app/Http/Ussd/Actions directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created for you.
Why in app/Http/Ussd/Actions
That is the default root directory specified in config/ussd.php. If the configuration file does not exist, you can publish it, see.
To change the default directory to app/Ussd change the
action_namespace variable in the configuration to App\\Ussd
before running the command.
Nested States
Your default directory is app/Http/Ussd/Actions but you want some actions nested. No need to be changing configurations. For example, if you want to create Payment/Airtime.php action class in app/Http/Ussd/Actions/Payment. Just specify the relative path like this:
php artisan ussd:state payment/airtime
php artisan ussd:state payment\airtime
Why are the directory and class starting with caps.
Take a good look are the file structure in app. That the format they all use. It simple convention and we ensure you stick with that, so if enter payment/amount for Payment/Amount, w e just fix that for you. Isn't it cool?
Understanding Actions
This is a sample Action class generated:
namespace App\Http\Ussd\Actions;
use Sparors\Ussd\Action;
class MakePayment extends Action
public function run(): string
return ''; // The state after this
Action Property
Every action class has one property record
by default.
This is an instance of Sparors\Ussd\Record
which help save and retrieve
saved data.
Action Return Type
The return type of action should be a string. But this string should be a fully qualified class name of the next state to display to the user.
Action In Use
namespace App\Http\Ussd\Actions;
use Sparors\Ussd\Action;
use App\Http\Ussd\States\PaymentSuccess;
use App\Http\Ussd\States\PaymentError;
class MakePayment extends Action
public function run(): string
$response = Http::post('/payment', [
'phone_number' => $this->record->phoneNumber
if ($response->ok()) {
return PaymentSuccess::class;
return PaymentError::class;