
Users are excepted to input their response when a menu is displayed to them provide there is an input field in the state. As a developer, you make decisions based on the users responses. You will then navigate him/her to a different state based on the outcome of the decision. This is what decisions help you to do.

Why decisions?

Decisions provide you with common and frequently used logics to navigate to different states. This makes you focus on your applications instead of creating functions for every application you build.

Creating Links with decision

A decision instance is already provided in the state class. There is a $decision property, an instance of Sparors\Ussd\Menu. The class provide you with simple and needed functions for selecting the next class.

Available Methods


equal method compares the users input and set the output when there match. You can ensure variable type is compare by setting the strict parameter to true.

// public function equal($argument, string $output, bool $strict = false): self

$this->decision->equal('1', Airtime::class);


numeric method check is the input is numeric then set the outcome.

// public function numeric(string $output): self



integer method check is the input is a integer then set the outcome.

// public function integer(string $output): self



amount method check is the input is a valid amount then set the outcome

// public function amount(string $output): self



length method check the length of the input with and compares it with an argument and set the output

// public function length($argument, string $output): self

$this->decision->length('5', Airtime::class);


phoneNumber method check the the input is a valid phoneNumer and set the output

// public function phoneNumber(string $output): self



between method check if the input is in a specified range and set the output

// public function between(int $start, int $end, string $output): self

$this->decision->between(1, 10, Airtime::class);


in method check if the input is in a given array and set the output

// public function in(array $array, string $output, bool $strict = false): self

$this->decision->in([2, 4, 6, 8, 10], Airtime::class);


custom method check allows you to execute a callable which accepts one argument which will be the users input

// public function custom(callable $function, string $output): self

// Checking if input is a url
$this->decision->custom(function ($user_input) {
    return is_string($user_input) && substr($user_input,0, 4) === 'http';
}, Airtime::class);


any method simple set the output no matter the input

// public function any(string $output): self


Methods can be chained


namespace App\Http\Ussd\States;

use Sparors\Ussd\State;

class Welcome extends State
    protected function afterRendering(string $argument): void
        $this->decision->equal('1', Airtime::class)
                       ->between(2, 4, Payment::class)
                       ->in(['9', '#'], Wait::class)

// "Welcome to Laravel Ussd\n\nSelect an option\n1. Buy Airtime\n2. Buy Data\n3. Pay Bills\n\n9. Next Page\n#.Back\n0. Main Menu"