
After creating the various states and linking them, we are set to launch our ussd application. State classes are interconnected web of nodes but does not have any idea on how to run.

What do i do next?

Meet Machine, the robust application runner.

How does it work?

Machine takes arguments which are crusial to run the application when created. It does all the magic for you while you sit back and relax.

Machine will take the users request and interpret it and call the necessary state class to hand over the request and terminate it afterwards. Machine is responsible for navigating the states with the user.

Seem complex?

Don't worry, it is easier than it sound. Let's create a machine to prove it.

Creating Machine

Typically, machines are created in a controller or in your routes file.

Use the Ussd Facade and call the function machine. That's all it takes.

use Sparors\Ussd\Facade\Ussd;


Session id

Machine Requires a session id to work. You can set it on the machine call like this.


Session id from request

You may want to set the session id straight for the request without having to use a request object. To achieve this, call setSessionIdFromRequest and specify the request key.


User Input

Another important variable is the Input from the user. That too can be set like the session id.


// or 


Other parameters

Other parameters like phoneNumber and network are also available to set when needed.


// or 


Parameters can be chained


Parameters can be set at once

    'phone_number' => $request->phone_number,
    'network' => $request->operatorNetwork,
    'session_id' => $request->sessionID,
    'input' => $request->user_input,

// or

    Keys are converted to camel-case.
    The available key options are:
    phoneNumber, input, network, sessionId
    'phone_number', // Get request with key phone_number and set it as phoneNumber
    'input' => 'user_input', // Get request with key user_input and set it as the input

Choose cache store

When you don't specify the cache store, the store variable in config/ussd.php is used. When specified the machine uses the specified one. To specify, use setStore method.


Initial State

The machine can not run without tell it where to start from. When you do, the other states will be determined from user interraction with the USSD.


Output of the machine

The machine will generate an array as the out put with two property message and code. The message is the string to be responsed to the mobile operator and the code show weather to provide an input or not to the user.


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Sparors\Ussd\Facades\Ussd;
use App\Http\Ussd\States\Welcome;

Route::get('/', function () {
    $ussd = Ussd::machine()
            'input' => 'user_input',

    return response()->json($ussd->run());


        "message": "Welcome class over here"
        "action": "input"

NB: action 'input' for input, 'prompt' for no input.

What ! my operatory does not understand that response

Don't worry, we know you can not tell your ussd operator to change their structure just to make your application work. You can set how to responsed to your operator by using a callable. Below is an example.


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use Sparors\Ussd\Facades\Ussd;
use App\Http\Ussd\States\Welcome;

Route::get('/', function () {
    $ussd = Ussd::machine()
            'phone_number' => 'msisdn',
            'input' => 'msg',
            'session_id' => 'UserSessionID',
        ->setResponse(function(string $message, string $action) {
            return [
                'USSDResp' => [
                    'action' => $action,
                    'menus' => '',
                    'title' => $message,

    return response()->json($ussd->run());


        "USSDResp": {
            "action": "input",
            "menus": "",
            "title": "Welcome class over here"